Tuesday 22 November 2016

In Search Of A Muse

You know what everyone has in common?

A Story!

Everyone evolves from their life experiences.

Everyone goes through something, at least once in their life that changes them forever.

I too have a story to tell.

So, hear me out as I weave my story in form of words and unravel it before you.

Inside every person you know, there’s someone you are less familiar with.

Behind all this makeover, there’s a girl who wishes the world.

Someone who wishes to be understood instead of being judged.

The devil inside oneself awakens when it’s 3 in the mid-night and your thoughts keep choking you.

You constantly seem to be fighting a battle amongst yourself.

You know the smallest of things can change your life.

In the blink of an eye, something happens by chance, when you least expect it.

It sets you on a course that you never planned.

Into a future, you would have never imagined.

So, where would it take you?

That’s the journey of our lives.

Our search for the light.

But, sometimes…

Finding the light means you must pass through the deepest darkness.

At least, that’s how it worked for me.

For those who do not know me, I am a mess of emotions.

I am composed of am made of little rooms full of thoughts, emotions, and memories.

You cannot define me by listening to me once. I remain complicated.

For a person like me, it is very hard to find a soul that can groove with me.

While introspecting, I often ask myself, “Am I not good enough? Why is it that am I the way I am?”

This is something, I am sure I will never figure out!

I am not good at expressing myself.

I do not think rationally unlike most of you.

I always do what my heart says.

They say I am kiddish in the way I deal with things because I do not work on logic and reasoning.

I am imperfect. But this is who I am!

Slowly, I am learning to embrace myself for being who I am.

I am fierce.

I do not like mediocre things in life.

I do not love easily, but when I do, it’s my soul ripped wide apart and raw.

I’ll stick by you, no matter what comes and goes by.

You could hurt me a million times and I’d still welcome you with my arms wide open longing for you.

And, that’s why too often, I get taken for granted.

But, that’s not how the world functions.

In the quest of being soft with everyone, I end up hurting myself instead.

But, this is something I’d never open up to you.

And, the more I try to keep things to myself, the more it consumes me.

I do not give up easily.

And, maybe that is why it is too hard for me to let go of someone.

But, what if people do?

And, all you can do is to beg them to stay until they prove you wrong every single time.

Then, there comes a point where you get shattered.

Broken into a million small pieces.

Your heart aches for home.

You feel lost.

Your vision becomes blurred.

And, you realize that you are in the middle of nowhere.

Darkness fills in your mind.

And, hovers you day and night.

The sight of someone haunts you and you can do nothing about it.

And, you start looking for an escape.

But, somehow everything keeps coming back to you.

And, you give power to a single flame to hurt you for the course of a lifetime.

You are constantly in search of a muse.

And, one day you shall seek it.

They say time heals you.

But, time doesn’t do much healing, you need to heal yourself.

Pick up your broken pieces and reassemble yourself.

Tremble, but do not fall again.

Fix your broken pieces into something beautiful.

Establish peace with yourself.

Breathe. Relax!

There’s so much more to life.

Discover yourself.

Keep that spark of hope alive.

You never know what next moment has got for you!

We are all wonderful wrecks.

And, this is what connects us.

That we all are beautifully imperfect.

Learn to embrace yourself.